Home | Eline

Hello there, I'm Eline

Illustrator, graphic designer & front end developer

This is me


My name is Eline Van den Borren. I'm born at 9 september 1997 and I live in Mechelen (Belgium). Since I was a kid, I mostly brought my time by drawing and playing computer games. I attended art academy for 4 years. My passion is drawing cartoon characters and animals. I could spend hours on the computer, it started with playing games, later I learned to draw on the computer but that was initially with a software program aimed at children.

In 2020 I got my bachelor degree "Interactive Multimedia Design", and a year later I got a degree in "Illustration". I love to create websites, apps, logo's, magazines, illustrations and short animations.

In my free time, I love to watch movies, by the way I have a lot of interest in the history of the film and I incorporate a lot of knowledge in it. I love walking in nature and making photographs of landscapes. Do you want to know more about my skills? Discover it by clicking on the button bellow!

My skills

Take a look to my projects

web and apps
Wesbites & apps

As a web developer, I had some projects to make websites and apps

graphic designs
Graphic designs

These are my graphic designs, like logo's, wallpapers, magazines etc

Animations & Video's

Here you can find animated video's and css animations


Here you can find my handdrawing and digital illustrations.


Here you can find (photoshopped)photo's taken by me

Let's get in contact!

phone number